Menu-driven programs offer a user-friendly approach to interacting with software applications. 

In Java, creating such programs involves designing a menu interface, handling user input, implementing menu options, and ensuring proper error handling and input validation. 

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to utilize menu-driven programming in Java effectively.

Let's get started without any further ado!

What is menu driven program in Java?

A menu-driven program in Java is a program that presents the user with a menu of options or choices and allows them to interact with the program by selecting an option from the menu. 

It provides a structured and user-friendly way to navigate through different functionalities or operations of the program.

Ways to use menu-driven programs in Java

Designing the Menu Interface

The menu interface serves as the user's gateway to navigate and access different functionalities within the program. It involves presenting options to the user and receiving their input. 

Design considerations include clarity, organization, and intuitiveness. Java offers various menu implementation options, such as using switch statements or creating custom classes to represent menu items.

Handling User Input

Accurate and reliable input handling is crucial for menu-driven programs. Java provides robust mechanisms to read user input, such as the Scanner class. 

It is essential to validate the user's input to prevent errors and unexpected behavior. Techniques like input sanitization, data type checks, and range validation ensure the program functions as intended.

Implementing Menu Options

Each menu option corresponds to a specific functionality or action within the program. Implementing these options involves writing the necessary code blocks to execute the desired tasks. 

This may include performing calculations, accessing data, modifying variables, or calling other methods. Well-organized and modular code structure enhances maintainability and readability.

Error Handling and Input Validation

In menu-driven programs, handling errors and validating user input is vital for a smooth user experience. Java's exception-handling mechanism, try-catch blocks, can catch and handle exceptions gracefully. 

Robust input validation techniques, such as looped input prompts and informative error messages, help guide users and prevent erroneous input from disrupting program flow.

Looping and Exiting the Program

Menu-driven programs typically involve a loop structure to repeatedly display the menu and accept user input until a specific exit condition is met. 

Implementing loops ensures seamless and continuous user interaction. Exiting the program should be intuitive and provide a clear option to terminate the execution.

Example Code: Creating a Menu-Driven Program in Java

Here's an example code for creating a menu-driven program in Java:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class MenuDrivenProgram {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        int choice;

        do {


            System.out.println("1. Option 1");

            System.out.println("2. Option 2");

            System.out.println("3. Option 3");

            System.out.println("4. Exit");

            System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");

            choice = scanner.nextInt();

            switch (choice) {

                case 1:

                    System.out.println("You selected Option 1");

                    // Perform Option 1 operations


                case 2:

                    System.out.println("You selected Option 2");

                    // Perform Option 2 operations


                case 3:

                    System.out.println("You selected Option 3");

                    // Perform Option 3 operations


                case 4:

                    System.out.println("Exiting the program");



                    System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please try again.");



            System.out.println(); // Print an empty line for readability

        } while (choice != 4);




In this example, the program presents a menu to the user and asks for their choice. Depending on the chosen option, it performs the corresponding operations or exits the program if the user selects the exit option.

The do-while loop allows the menu to be displayed repeatedly until the user chooses the exit option (4).

You can add your own functionality and operations within each case statement to suit your program's requirements.

What is the objective of menu driven program?

The objective of a menu-driven program is to provide users with a structured and user-friendly interface to interact with a software application. 

It allows users to choose from a list of options or functionalities presented in a menu format, simplifying the navigation and operation of the program.

The main objectives of a menu-driven program are:

User Interaction: The program aims to provide an intuitive and user-friendly way for users to interact with the application. By presenting a menu, users can easily understand the available options and select their desired functionality.

Option Selection: The program allows users to choose from predefined options or actions. Each option typically corresponds to a specific operation or feature of the program.

Controlled Navigation: The menu-driven approach provides a controlled navigation flow within the program. Users can move between different sections or features by selecting the appropriate menu option, ensuring a structured and guided user experience.

Error Handling: Menu-driven programs often include error-handling mechanisms to handle invalid user inputs. By providing a menu with predefined options, the program can validate the user's choice and prompt for correct input if an invalid option is selected.

Simplicity and Ease of Use: The primary objective of a menu-driven program is to simplify the usage of the software application. It eliminates the need for users to remember complex commands or input formats, making the program more accessible to a wider range of users.

Java Compilers

Here is a list of some popular Java compilers:

Coding Ninjas: The official Java Development Kit (JDK) provided by Oracle includes the Java compiler (javac). It is widely used for Java development.

Eclipse Compiler for Java (ECJ): The compiler used in the Eclipse IDE for Java development. It is also available as a standalone compiler that can be used outside the Eclipse environment.

OpenJDK: An open-source Java Development Kit implementation, including the Java compiler. OpenJDK is a popular choice for Java development and is used by various distributions, such as AdoptOpenJDK and Amazon Corretto.

IBM J9: A Java runtime environment that includes a Java compiler. It is part of the IBM Development Package for Eclipse and is used in IBM's Java offerings.

GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ): A Java compiler provided by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). GCJ is capable of compiling Java source code directly to native machine code or generating bytecode.

Android D8: The D8 compiler is used in the Android build system for converting Java bytecode to the DEX bytecode format used by Android devices.

Jikes: An open-source Java compiler developed by IBM. Jikes is known for its fast compilation speed and low memory usage.

Javac from Apache Ant: Apache Ant, a build automation tool, includes its own Java compiler (javac) as part of its toolset.


Menu-driven programs provide a user-friendly and intuitive way to interact with Java applications. 

Mastery of menu-driven programming empowers developers to build versatile and engaging applications that cater to diverse user requirements.